West Grand Health Fair
West Grand Neighborhood Organization is partnering with Cherry Health, Versiti Blood Center of Michigan and Genesis Non-Profit Housing Corporation in order to provide a health fair and blood drive on Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 10 AM-2 PM.
See event details on Facebook or below for pre-registration and more information.
West Grand Health Fair
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Time: 10 AM- 2 PM
Location: 851 Leonard St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Have questions? Contact Cherry Health's COVID19 hotline at 616.965.8347 if you have additional questions.
Cherry Health will be providing Covid-19 testing and Flu shots. For the Covid-19 testing and flu shots you must pre-register at: http://bit.ly/30UYkNZ
(Note: The SARS COV-2 Antibody test, AKA COVID-19 Antibody Test (CAT), will be performed on all blood donations as part of Versiti's standard testing)
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan will be doing a blood drive. In order to give blood, please pre-register here: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/135265
One Blood Donation
can save 3 lives.
Appointments/pre registration for each of the services from Cherry Health and Versiti are strongly preferred.
Masks are required.
West Leonard Business Association, Stockbridge Business Association, Bridge Street Market, McDonald's (On Leonard) and Rockford Construction are donating gift cards to be given to individuals who set up an appointment and show up to donate blood through Versiti Blood Center of Michigan at the West Grand Health Fair.
Additionally, anyone with type O blood (+ or -) will also be eligible for a $10 e-gift card (sent after the drive).
En Español:
Cherry Health realizará pruebas de Covid-19 y vacunas contra la gripe.
Sábado 21 de noviembre de 10 am a 2 pm
Estacionamiento Genisis: 851 Leonard St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Prueba de COVID-19 Y Vacunas Contra la gripe. Pre Regístrese para la prueba en línea en: http://bit.ly/2YwWJNP
Versiti Blood Center of Michigan hará una donación de sangre. Para donar sangre, preinscríbase aquí: https://donate.michigan.versiti.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/135265
Se prefieren las citas / preinscripción para cada uno de los servicios de Cherry Health y Versiti.
Se requieren máscaras.
Thank you to Genesis Nonprofit Housing Corporation for the use of their space for the event.