Auto Thefts and Larcenies are on the Rise


Auto thefts and larcenies from vehicles are on the rise in Grand Rapids.

The statistics are alarming!


Statistics provided by the Grand Rapids Police Department; March 29, 2021

These statistics are concerning as these are personal property crimes that may affect us at our homes or workplace when we least expect it. Many of these crimes were crimes of opportunity that could have been prevented by simply making it a point to always lock your vehicle and to remove your valuables. Items such as purses, laptops and cell phones are bait to thieves that take advantage of the time you allow these items to be unattended. Even a quick run into a party store for a few minutes is ample time to be victimized.

Prevention is the KEY…

In addition to making it a habit to lock your vehicle when exiting, there are other things you can do to keep your auto and belongings safe.

  1. Take your vehicle’s key. Do not leave it in your vehicle.

  2. Make sure you close and lock all windows and doors when you park your car.

  3. Remove valuables. Never leave items such as purses, laptops, cell phones, GPS units or money in your vehicle unattended.

  4. Whenever possible, park in well-lit areas.

  5. Consider an antitheft system. There are many types available such as audible and visual devices such as horn alarms, immobilizing devices which prevent thieves from hot-wiring your vehicle, and locking steering wheel bars.

  6. Deter thieves by getting your vehicle VIN etched. Replacing auto glass in vehicles is prohibitively expensive for thieves.

Free VIN Etching Available!

West Grand Neighborhood Organization offers FREE VIN etching for your vehicle. This program is supported by a grant from the Michigan Automobile Theft Prevention Authority. It is available to all residents of West Michigan.

The entire process takes about 15 minutes. Your VIN number is etched into the glass of your vehicle’s windows. It is recommended for all vehicles as thieves steal all types of models, new or old.

Appointments are necessary. Contact our office at 616-451-0150 or by email at to schedule an appointment.

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Funds for this program are provided by the Michigan Automobile Theft Prevention Authority.