Don't Let Your Guard Down!

Don’t Let Your Guard Down

By Shirley Klemmer


This spring was unusual in that many people were at home for the majority of the day and evening. The coronavirus pandemic disrupted employment for many people and we found ourselves under the Stay Home Order. It may be surprising to learn that despite that, there was an increase of auto thefts and larcenies from vehicles during this period. You may feel it isn’t necessary to lock your automobile because you are close by, or your car is parked in your driveway; but crime rates have increased considerably in just the last few months.

Auto theft and burglary cases have increased this year nationwide over last year during the same time frame. In the last few months Grand Rapids has seen a spike in reported incidents of both vehicle larceny or break ins. The majority are vehicle larcenies from unlocked vehicles. Automobile thefts have increased as well.


The majority of these crimes were committed because valuables were visible and the cars were unlocked, allowing easy and quick entry.

According to Sgt. James Wojczynski, Supervisor of the Combined Auto Theft Team of the Grand Rapids Police Department, most of the auto theft and larceny incidents happen at night and are reported in the morning.  The items stolen from cars include loose change, purses, cell phones, electronic equipment, and even vehicle registrations and proof of insurance forms from glove boxes. Other items obtained such as wallets with credit cards and identification, spare keys, and garage door openers, provide the thief the opportunity to continue their crime spree.  They would now have the tools to potentially make you a victim of credit card fraud or identity theft.  Having possession of a house key, remote starter or a garage door opener allows the criminal to come back at a later date to steal your car or burglarize your home.

Sgt. Wojcznski’s advice to vehicle owners is that wherever you are, at home or parked in a grocery store lot,  “It is important to keep your vehicle locked, and make sure there are no valuables in plain sight.  Try to park in lighted areas if possible, or where there are motion activated lights.  At home, keep the bushes around your home and vehicle trimmed to prevent  your sight from being obstructed.  Consider using a security camera or Ring system and always report auto burglaries.  There may have been multiple incidents in the area and this information will be helpful to law enforcement.”

West Grand Neighborhood Organization, working on behalf of the Michigan Automobile Theft Prevention Authority, offers free VIN etching of your automobile’s windows.  For more information about this service and other prevention tips, please see our website at  or email the West Grand Neighborhood Organization ATPA Program Coordinator at 


In the meantime, please keep your vehicle safe this summer. 

Make it a habit to lock the doors every time you leave the car, and chances are it will be untouched when you return.

Funds for this program are provided by the Michigan Automobile Theft Prevention Authority.