West Grand Beautification Program

West Grand Neighborhood Organization is creating a program for beautification projects in our neighborhood. We are fundraising to purchase supplies, pay artists for their work and other associated costs! This will be an ongoing program as funds are raised. We hope to be able to do multiple projects in the neighborhood to help beautify our neighborhood and also utilize Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) practices.

  • The four elements of CPTED are: natural surveillance and visibility; lighting, territorial reinforcement, space delineation, and natural access control. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design makes community spaces safer.

    One perfect example of CPTED are the utility boxes that you see throughout the west side, and the city. Some are painted beautifully by local artists and it helps to prevent the graffiti while also beautifying public spaces. Murals are also an example of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

  • The West Grand Beautification Program will incorporate CPTED practices in our public spaces. This will be an ongoing program as funds are raised and available.

  • Currently we can only have one project happen at a time. We have to fundraise for the ability to help with these projects.

    Projects will involve some type of beautification effort, this could be a public art display. Location of these projects will depend on many factors.

current project:

West Grand Neighborhood Organization is partnering with MWS Auto Sales Inc. to put a mural on West Leonard that will honor the history of the westside. Read on for more information and updates!



Current Project

Learn about the most current project in our neighborhood.

Past Projects

Past projects that West Grand Neighborhood Organization helped put together.

Future Projects

Future projects will be linked as we start to plan them.


Project Updates