Midterm Elections are Tuesday, November 6


Midterm Elections are on Tuesday, November 6, 2018. Here are some tips that are important to know when you go to the polls.

The midterm elections are almost upon us and we have some very important ballot proposals that will be decided.

Before Voting:

  • If voting in person, anticipate higher than normal turnout. If you are in line at 8:00 PM you are allowed to vote. The busiest times in the polling place tend to overlap morning and evening rush hours. You are less likely to encounter long lines if you are able to visit your polling place between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. No matter when you vote, remember that all voters who are standing in line at 8:00 p.m. when the polls close are entitled to cast a ballot.

  • Not sure where you vote? Go to this site to find your polling location: www.Michigan.gov/Vote

  • Not sure what’s on your ballot? Go here to view a sample ballot: https://webapps.sos.state.mi.us/MVIC/SelectPublicBallot.aspx

  • Still have more questions? Go to this site for more voter information: https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1633_8716---,00.html?fbclid=IwAR1-Az00MOtsymMB56cfU5yAsQg-DKejP9gnopUVcAINifkONfXH36kFdF4

  • Please refrain from wearing campaign apparel to the polls, such as t-shirts, hats, or buttons that clearly advocate for or against specific candidates or ballot proposals on the ballot. Poll workers may ask any voter who enters the polling place to remove campaign buttons or cover up clothing that refers to candidates or proposals.

While Voting:

  • On Election Day, please be patient and courteous to poll workers (who are your neighbors!), they are working very long hours on Election Day to ensure that your vote counts. They are selected by your local clerk and must pass an examination or attend training in order to be appointed.

  • Remember, there is no straight ticket voting option available on the ballot for this election. Instead, voters must select a candidate (or candidates, if the ballot instructions allow) for each race in which they wish to cast a vote. This, coupled with strong voter turnout projections, consider taking a few minutes of advance preparation so you know before you go. The Michigan website, www.Michigan.gov/Vote is a good place to start to prepare.

  • Lastly, If you are told that your name is not on the precinct list of registered voters, follow the poll worker’s instructions and if necessary, ask to vote a provisional ballot. Your ability to cast a regular or provisional ballot is affected by the following circumstances:

a. If you are in the correct precinct and can produce a voter registration receipt dated on or before the deadline to register, you can vote a regular ballot in that precinct. Simply follow the poll worker’s instructions, complete the required forms, and vote.

b. If you are not in the correct precinct, you can still vote a regular ballot if you travel to your correct precinct. The poll worker will inform you of your proper polling location. Taking the time to vote in your correct precinct will ensure that your ballot is counted.

c. All others, whose names are not on the precinct list and do not meet the criteria described in (a) or (b) above, should ask for a provisional ballot. Follow the poll worker’s instructions, complete the required forms, and most importantly, make sure you comply with any post-election identification or proof of-residency requirement (as described in the “Notice to Voters Who Do Not Appear on the Precinct’s Registration List” you received from the poll worker) within 6 days of the election.

The information & tips in this post were compiled from the State of Michigan website.

As a side note for Westsiders, the Holiday Bar is doing a special, they are offering 50% off of your total tab to anyone who wears their "I Voted" sticker on November 6th, 2018: See the event on Facebook for more details: Holiday Bar Facebook

John Ball Zoo is also offering free enterance to the zoo to those wearing their "I Voted" sticker on election day. See more by going to: https://www.facebook.com/64160786856/posts/10155618121291857/