WGNO Community Resource and Emergency Preparedness Guide
The staff of West Grand Neighborhood Organization has put together a Community Resource and Emergency Preparedness Guide for residents!
Enter to Win a gift card to a local business! Take the short survey at the end of the guide!
We have published a digital version of this neighborhood guide for residents focusing on community resources and emergency preparedness! Our hope is that this guide will help neighbors find much needed resources and information!
We have a printed version in English and we are working to distribute 7000 door-to-door with volunteers. With the help of volunteers we have delivered about 3500 guides in the West Grand Neighborhood so far.
Additionally, we are working on a version of the guide in Spanish with the help of volunteers.
Where can I find the guide?
See the “CLICK HERE FOR GUIDE!” button below the image of the guide!
The guide is also on our website you can find it there by going to the “Find Help” tab and going down to “Community Resources”
We need your feedback!
At the end of the guide is a link to a short four question survey to let us know what you think. Please click on the button to the right and after checking the guide out, go to the last page to get the survey link and enter for your chance to win a gift card to a local business! Your feedback will help us determine how helpful the information was to you!
This resource guide was made possible by a grant from:
Community Development Block Grant - Coronavirus